Tech Corner
Here is where I share tech tips that I've learned, usually by doing it wrong for a week or two first. Or maybe I'll just post about random projects I want to do, idk man.
The Modern Classics
I recently picked up two Professional Video Monitors and one actually works! So of course I have it streaming Toonami 24/7
One may wonder why I did this? And how? But mostly why?
So the thing about a Professional Video Monitor (or PVM for short) is that they're really high quality and meant for professional use, not consumer. So they weren't really sold in conventional stores. This one is small, about 9 inches from corner to corner of the screen. Which is fine and probably about the size you would have seen Triple H or the Undertaker rip out of a commentary desk back in the 90s. So next question is probably gonna be, why have one? Well the simple reason is gaming. The high quality BNC connectors in the back allow for your retro systems to be connected with high quality RGB input. Basically, little screen look real pretty-like.
So why then, am I using it to stream low resolution old school television streams? Well, first off the BNC connection on both of my PVMs seems to need some work. Probably busted capacitors from my research, but I'm no good at soldering and my buddy who is, refuses condoms and continues to make semen demons.
That's a joke. He's cool and his kids are pretty well-behaved. In reality, it's kinda a matter of time before they're both fixed, but still, I will be using one for this same purpose. The reason is pretty simple, like it. It's small, unobtrusive, and is an easy way to have something on in the background when I'm doing something like updating a website with explanations on why I do dumb shit like stream old TV on PVMs. So the last question I assume would be asked, how did I do it? That's... kinda complicated but also surprisingly easy. All I did was get an HDMI to A/V cable off of amazon for like ten bucks, set the aspect ratio, and run the stream from my computer to the monitor. However, that brought up a small issue: Audio. See, wanted audio from the stream (which btw is to come out of the PVM while all of my other system audio ran through my normal computer speakers. So I came up with a kinda stupid idea that worked. Basically, I use Chrome exclusively to stream to the PVM and my other, main broswer, for everything else. Then I just went to my sound settings and made chrome come through the PVM speakers, baddabing baddaboom.